Ordinal Markup Wiki

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Ordinal Markup has held many updates to get to where it is today. The game won't receive any updates in a long time, from January 2021.

Currently, the game is going to be rewritten. if rewritten version is released, it will be replaced with rewritten stuff once original version HTML5 stuff are done, while original version updated will be moved to a HTML 5 file: https://om-changelog.glitch.me/.


In-Game Changelog Link

The link found in-game.

The Changelog is an essential source of analysing the history of the game and what was added/changed/removed in its updates. It can be located in-game, by going to the Settings tab and choosing the "Changelog" link at the middle of the screen.

Alternatively, you can go to this link.

List of Updates[]

! Note: This information is based off of the official Changelog and other missing information gathered by various commmunity members.

If some data is missing, you can add it to a related version, you can find it in the Ordinal Markup Discord Server (a link is found in-game) and GitHub history.

Also, timezones can cause update dates to span to up to a day late, as the dates here is in US time.



Release Date: 2 or 3 January 2020 (Probably)

This was the first ever released version of this game.

The game was released under this former link, which is now a redirect page; http://ordinal-markup.glitch.me.

It implemented the system of Ordinals, and it simply added the 2 buttons in the Ordinals tab.


Release Date: ? January 2020

It adds Infinity, which is now known as Markup. It also added Ordinal Points.


Release Date: ? January 2020

Autoclickers were added. The term "Tier 1 Automation" hasn't seen to be used at this point.



Release Date: ? January 2020

Factor Shifts were added in this update.

Strangely enough, Factor Shifts were actually added before Factors.


Release Date: ? January 2020

Factors added.


Release Date: ? January 2020

This update improved on styling, through CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) files.

Most importantly, Offline progress was added, in order to make it more of an idle game.



Release Date: ? January 2020

The game.version variable is added, to keep track of a save's version.

The 2nd Prestige Layer, Factor Boost was implemented along with Boosters.


Release Date: ? January 2020

This update planned out Booster Upgrades, although only adding 1 (u11?).

It also attempted to fix a save bug with Boosters.


Release Date: ? January 2020

Did the same thing as the previous update other than the Booster Upgrades.


Release Date: ? January 2020

Update Name: The Booster Update ("Oops, wrong build")

This is the 1st considerable update for Booster Upgrades, as it brought the count to 7:

! Note: IDs of Booster Upgrades in this page will use the source code's way and not users' abbreviation, eg. u13 will be Booster Upgrade 9; uxy will be Booster Upgrade .
  1. Each Factor is twice as powerful
  2. Unlock autoclicker for max all
  3. Unlock Infinity autoclicker
  4. Unlock Challenges (this was probably a placeholder)
  5. Gain 5x as much OP
  6. Boosters boost ALL automation by Xx
  7. Gain 20 OP per second


Release Date: ? January 2020

Reduced cost of Upgrade 4 (20 -> 12), Upgrade 5 (10 -> 5), and Upgrade 7 (9 -> 8)


Release Date: 19 or 20 January 2020

Update Name: The Challenge Update ("yay i have to wait 2 weeks")

  • Added 2 Challenges, each can be completed up to 3 times.
  • Added an upgrade that will help everywhere: You get 3 free factors each.
  • Production is now based on time rather than frames. This is known as "Delta Timing", where the game calculates the time passed from the last 'tick', which is the point in time where the game 'updates' its values and variables. It will do the same, but in different ways depending on the Delta Time.
  • The game will continue to run in another tab. This is also caused by the implementation of Delta Timing, and thus is natural.
  • Text wrapping should be fixed.


Release Date: 20 or 21 January 2020

This update was a quick performance fix - Ordinals in the ψ(ΩΩ2) range were more efficient now.


Release Date: 2 or 3 February 2020

Update Name: The Incrementy Update ("this is boring")


Release Date: 15 or 16 February 2020

Update Name: The Manifold Update ("Slightly less boring")


Release Date: 22 or 23 February 2020

Update Name: The Impossible Update ("i gotta farm clicks yaay")


Release Date: ? March 2020

Removed the limit of Incrementy


! Note: All Time is using UTC and based on Github update time

Release Time: 19 March 2020 1:31 am

Files at this version: https://github.com/PatcailMemer/Ordinal-Markup/tree/856713043c2e122eaebd19a1e29a0ff7e5c33bc2

The game was moved from Glitch to GitHub. This had to be done due to an infamous event in the game's history. It no longer worked on Glitch, so the creators had to import the game's source files onto GitHub, which is more reliable. Also, the Glitch version URL was updated to a redirect page, prompting you to export your old save then pasting it at the new link.



Release Time: 1 April 2020 12:45 pm

Update Name: The Update ("I thought this was Ordinal Markup?")

Sources at this version: https://github.com/PatcailMemer/Ordinal-Markup/tree/e7df38a6bd7771414968cc767cac03c8ac9c2f0f

This was a milestone update that started the 3rd Prestige Layer; Collapse.

  • Collapse for "Cardinals", based off of how short your collapse was
  • Assign cardinals to Aleph 0, 1, or 2 for bonuses
  • Complete collapses with only a certain amount of factor boosts to get Sluggish Milestones
  • Turn your Aleph 0, 1, and 2s into Aleph Omegas to spend on Aleph Upgrades
  • Incrementy now supports ExpantaNum (also applied in Aleph Powers). ExpantaNum.js is a JS large number library that deals with arbitrarily large numbers. It was developed by naruyoko.
  • New Notation: Convenient. This is basically Buchholz's Notation but without any specific HTML formatting (no <sup> tags). Instead, it displays multiplication as the character × and exponentiation as the character ^.
  • New Music
  • Changed Challenge 6 wording (OP resets right before each Infinity -> keep no OP on Infinity)
  • In Challenge 8, you will keep 0% of Ordinal Points on Infinity instead of 1.5% (also Challenge 8x1 goal is nerfed to 3e10)
  • You can only do 1,000 manual clicks in Challenge 8 to prevent progression after the loss of Autoclicker speed.
  • You can do Challenge 8 for a maximum 3 times.
  • Fixed a wording of Incrementy Upgrade 8, because there is no cap of incrementy.
  • IU9 can now slow down decrementy.
  • Multiply IU5, 6, 8, 9 costs by 0.2, 0.4, 2 and 4 respectively.
  • Fixed a bug where booster upgrades isn’t real behind left border of HTML (for mobile device).


Release Time: 1 April 2020 1:49 pm


Release Time: 17 April 2020 12:35 am

Update Name: The Dark/Decrementy Update ("Dankest update yet")

Sources at this version: https://github.com/PatcailMemer/Ordinal-Markup/tree/7c8624b802603866d7b38483ecd1a5132ae84652


Release Time: 17 April 2020 2:28 pm

  • Fixed a bug where you can have fractional alephs if you have an odd number of possible Aleph Omegas then buy half of max of Aleph Omega.
  • Also, performance improved


Release Time: 17 April 2020 11:28 pm

Sources at this version: https://github.com/PatcailMemer/Ordinal-Markup/tree/42a730b83875d9aacf33ecfc53558b9b582f7de5

  • Fixed an exploit where having 1 ℵω upgrade and turn off auto Infinity exploit Tier 2, 1 ℵω upgrade is nerfed to Manifold boost Tier 2
  • Removed sluggish milestones 6-11 and end up with SM12 (count)
  • Experimental QoL: Distribute All Cardinals


Release Time: 23 May 2020 5:34 pm

Update Name: The Singularity Update ("yay a circle")

Sources at this version and Files change between last version

Note: from v0.32, he start using pull request to push a comment.

The update description is a joke to the illustration of the Singularity: which looks like .

Patcail released v0.321 with nothing changed, so I ignored it.


Release Time: 7 June 2020 11:33 pm

Sources at this version and Files change between last version

The "Infinity" Prestige Layer was renamed to the nowadays Markup.

  • Added a changelog
  • Added Collapse confirmation
  • You start with 1 Maximize Autoclicker after you Factor Boost
  • Make most cardinal collapsed at once show
  • Show "Maxed!" instead of the option to buy a factor when it's maxed
  • Removed obnoxious SuperSpruce advertisement
  • Reduced Singularity Require to 2e11 (from 5e11)
  • Fixed "Mobile Mode"
  • Fixed a bug where you do multiple collapses when you bought from Booster Upgrades
  • Fixed a bug where High Millisecond interval can exploit ordinal in Challenge 8
  • Fixed an error in the console when loading the game when there was no music on


Release Time: 8 June 2020 7:06 pm

  • Changed Markup Hotkey from U to I


Release Time: 2 July 2020 2:27 am

Sources at this version and Files change between last version

Update Name: The Singularity Functions update ("procrastination 100")


Release Time: 2 July 2020 4:21 pm

Sources at this version and Changes between last version

  • Bug Fix: Time till next Challenge is coming soon!


Release Time: 2 July 2020 4:51 pm

Sources at this version and Changes between last version

  • Major Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where in the Firefox browser, you always can't produce Factor Boosts passively.

He want to use 23 for SFU21 and 16 for SFU22, but this make inflation happen much later (even if the cost only increased by one), then reverted to old value


Release Time: 19 July 2020 9:16 pm

Sources at this version and Changes between last version

  • Abouther Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where you can stuck in infinite loop of collapse confirmation when you turn on autocollapse and collapse confirmation


Release Time: 15 August 2020 9:06 pm

Update Name: The Omega Challenges update ("Infinitely Challenging")

Sources at this version and Changes between last version

Due to Patcail doesn't make the changelog in this version and give the Update Name, I use Discord role name "Infinitely Challenging" as update name.

v0.3401 and v0.3402[]

Release Time: 16 August 2020 2:59 pm & 16 August 2020 4:46 pm

Sources at this version: Sources at this version

Changes between last version:

script.js in v0.3401 & index.html in v0.3401

script.js in v0.3402 & index.html in v0.3402


Release Time: 17 August 2020 6:29 pm

Sources at this version

Changes between last version:

1e125 Dark Manifold force reset version

1e128 Dark Manifold force reset version

  • The save will be revert to pre-omega challenges era all save if you have over 1e128 Dark Manifold (this only happen if game.version is less than 0.341, so don't worry now if you hit 1e128 Dark Manifold, also this is forced revert)


Release Time: 17 August 2020 6:46 pm

Sources at this version and Changes between last version


Release Time: 28 September 2020 12:38 pm

Sources at this version and Changes between last version



Release Time: 13 October 2020 1:28 am

Update Name: The Incrementyverse update ("Enter The E")

Sources at this version and Changes between last version

  • The long awaited Incrementyverse was added.
  • This Update added Achievements, with simple CSS. These didn't give out any bonuses, however.
  • 7 more rows of Singularity Functions!
  • 8 Incrementyverse Upgrades
  • FRACTAL ENGINE, this is where you can have inceptions of automation.
  • Energy Orbs, this is where you can boost your Fractal Engines and such
  • (Sorry, they are not too many bug fixes and other pre-Incrementyverse balance)
  • While in Challenge 9, Incrementy production display is divided by 1e15. (Doesn't happened because silly game.challenge bug again)
  • Fixed a minor bug where you can get Infinity Incrementy by having over 1.79e308x Incrementy production multi (only in Incrementyverse)
  • Fixed a bug where Buchholz's Notation is display as Madore's Notation after BHO
  • I hope you like Inflation, since you can get 10{n}x Incrementy in this version

"Enter the E", the update's name, was a meme in the Ordinal Markup Discord community months ago, where a partly covered image of the upcoming Incrementyverse was revealed. The real description was "Enter the incrementyverse." but with the censors it spelled out "Enter the E.". [add image here someone]

v0.401 (unofficial version)[]

Release Time: 31 October 2020 11:44 pm

! Note: They only contain bug fixes.

Sources at this version and Changes between last version

  • Fixed a typo on OC5, as it's actually applied to the Aleph Power multipliers. (Thanks hyp_cos for suggestion)
  • Fixed a typo on Fractal Upgrade Descriptions; it is "three", not "free". (URL say this is a typo bug, this also listed into bug fix list)
  • Fixed a bug where your OP isn't formatted if you are getting at least 10 Factor Boosts per second, having post-ψ(Ω) of your Ordinal but don't have gψ(Ω) (10) OP. (Just developer forgot add beautify(x))
  • Fixed a bug where clicking "Exit Challenge" while in OC1 will function. (I think clicking "Exit Challenge" in OC1 is completely no sense - WongTingHo05)
  • Fixed a bug where base Fractal Engine costs are always fx+1(100000), even with Fractal Shifts that reduce the base. (thanks dgramsey for see how to fix that)
  • Fixed a bug where Cardinal production from AU8 is 3 more than expected every 10 million Most Cardinals Collapsed at once (additive). (0.03/1000 = 0.00003 not 0.000030000300003...)

The only update since 2021[]

  • Change "The Bachmann Howard Ordinal" description from BHO to LVO. (idk what is he doing)

This is the last update ever. It has been 1,286 days since the game being updated.

Upcoming Updates[]

Patcail said in his Discord Server that the game is "dead", mostly due to the code being hard to understand (referred to as spaghetti code).

Known: Fractal Boosts

The current version Source code is here: https://github.com/PatcailMemer/Ordinal-Markup

You can see all latest commits here: https://github.com/PatcailMemer/Ordinal-Markup/commits/master
