Ordinal Markup Wiki
Ordinal Markup Wiki

In Ordinal Markup, there are a list of Modifications made by several people to change the game in ways haven’t thought of. Many of these Modifications add new content, but some change the game's difficulty and pace of progression.

List of Games around Ordinal Markup game by Patcail[]

List of Modifications
Modification Abbreviation Content / Changes Developer Notes / Goal
Ordinal Markup Chinese OMCH Most of the game's information is translated to Simplified Chinese (Mandarin). idlegame gitee (GitHub) This mod allows for more people to be able to understand the game. Content wise, this is the same as vanilla Ordinal Markup.
Ordinal Markup Fun Mode OMF The game is more "fun", with some random buffs. Yahtzee Master#0168 Hard to play.
Ordinal Markup Funnier OMF+ More funny than the previous mod. Comes with a chance to get rickrolled. Beware of loud sounds; players' discretion is advised. Patcail Nearly impossible to play.
Ordinal Markup Easy OMEZ Timewalls are nerfed due to reduced requirements and buffed features. lool8421#2357 Max All Factors and buying Factors are buggy.

SM not count as right!

Ordinal Markup Plus OM+ Factor scaling is reduced and Factor Shifts are easier to obtain. yourself#7528 The mod doesn't work at all.
Ordinal Markup Power OM^ All Factors are immensely buffed (, where represents the normal power of the respective Factor), and all Challenges are already completed for you, except for Challenge 8. rohikot256 (Glitch) There are no hotkeys, meaning early ψ(Ω) gameplay is MUCH harder (No I / M spam).
Omdinal Barkup

Singularity Functions version

Incrementyverse version

OB Almost everything is buffed. Play with caution as the mod can break. DEMEMZEA#5151 You can break the game by having SL??? (Outside Incrementyverse) or Infinity Dark Manifolds or Infinity Dynamic Factor Cap (the variable isn't meant to go past the double-precision floating point limit (21024 or ~1.79769e308).
Ordinal Markup Overbuffed OMOB Almost everything is buffed. Use with caution as the game can break. lool8421#2357 The mod is maybe broken.
Ordinal Markup Timewall OMTW Timewalls (time to meet requirements for certain things) are increased. Consider this as a hard mode mod of OM; there are more features than the vanilla game. E308.25 Reaching BHO will most likely take 2 days and 12 hours, and most of your FS/FB/Challenge runs will take 1 to 2 days.
Ordinal Markup Fixed OMFX Most of the bugs from vanilla game are fixed (full changelog in-game), most number are being formatted to look less painful. E308.25 There are little to no gameplay change, and you can directly export vanilla save file into here.
Ordinal Markup Base 2 OMB2 You can perform up to 8 Factor Shifts to reach Base 2, the main feature of this mod. aqualxx (GitHub) Challenge 3 will be harder.

Doesn't exist anymore

Ordinal Dimensions OD This mod is a parody of the game Antimatter Dimensions. It starts off with 10 Auto Incrementers buyable with your Ordinal. Each Auto Incrementer produces the Auto-Incrementer below it, and Auto Incrementer 1 acts like both Autoclickers at once. It starts off a bit slow, then gradually speeds up over time, and then gradually gets slower starting from around Hωω6(10). spotky1004#8812 To Markup, you need an Ordinal of ωω2.

You can make the variables for Ordinal (game.ord variables respectively) past the 64-bit double floating point integer limit (21024 or ~1.79769e308)

Current Goal: 1.000e100 OP ]

Ordinal Markup Time Vortex OMTV A mod that starts at Singularity Functions and plans to add Time Vortex, but it isn't implemented yet (Aarex will update this after the Omega Challenges update). DB Aarex (γ)#2806 Goal: ?
Ordinal Markup Minus OM- Your Base is always at 100, but there's a new Prestige Layer named Diagonalize. Patcail + Nintendo Gamecube Man#2140 Goal: Complete Diagonalize Challenge 1.
Ordinal Markup Factor Shift Edition OM:FSE You can perform up to 50 Factor Shifts, and there is a new Prestige Layer named Products. You gain Boosters from Factor Shift instead of Factor Boosts. weee50#8913 You can make both the variables for Ordinal and OP (game.ord and game.OP variables respectively) past the 64-bit double floating point integer limit (21024 or ~1.79769e308).

Factor Shift Autoprestiger doesn't work. Goal: 70 Products

Ordinal Markup Factor Shift Edition Minus OM:FSE- A combination of both OM- and OM:FSE, but the Base is reducible and there is more content overall. The Products Prestige Layer is extended and there is one new layer: Factorial. Patcail You can make both the variables for Ordinal and OP (game.ord and game.OP variables respectively) past the 64-bit double floating point integer limit (21024 or ~1.79769e308), as these values are stored as an ExpantaNum, unlike Ordinal Markup.

Goal: 10,000 Factorials

Ordinal Markup New Game+ OM:NG+ A continuation of Ordinal Markup made by Spelpotais, nothing added here just yet, he cited the reason to be spaghetti code. Spelpotais

List of Games with Ordinal as Primary Feature[]

Modification Abbreviation Content Developer Notes / Goal
Peenor;dinal Markup PM Your Base is start at 100, reach certain PP to reduce the base, down to 10. Yahtzee Master#0168 ωω59+ω46+ω32... before wuantum, ωω69+ω55+ω43... is currently endgame.
Ordinal Pringles OP Highly same as Ordinal Markup, except these changes:
  • Pre and Post Psi Ordinal are separated with data.ord.isPsi instead of shared the ordinal.
  • Factor Shift 7 require 5x more OP.
  • All Factors are stronger based on Factor Shifts (1+(FS#-Factor#-1)/10, raised by [1,1,1,1, 1.3,1.9,2.2,2.3][FS#]), and their cost scales are always ^2.
  • There is no Quadrupler, as Timewall is reduced enough.
  • The requirement of Factor Boost is slower (always x3 from previous), but scale faster after FB30.
  • There is no Manifolds, but you can charge Booster Upgrades.
  • More content in Booster stage: Hierarchies and Overflow.
  • Collapse require FB34 instead, BHO is still required through.
  • There is more Cardinal type.
  • There is different set of achievement, through all of them have no reward.
Flamemasternxf ???
Ordinal gwa tree OGT Similar as Ordinal Pringles, except base will start at 2, Base Shift (Factor Shift) will increase the base by 1, created as a tree, with more change below:
  • Maximize happen instantly.
  • Factors are not rebuyable, all are boost based on gwarkup points and autoclickers.
  • Factor Boost at early stage require Ordinal Points instead.
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