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The Dynamic Factor is a mechanic that is unlocked upon performing 6 Factor Shifts. It is located in the Extra Factors sub-tab of the Markup tab. It is a constantly rising value that multiplies the efficiency of Tier 1 Automation. There is only 1 Dynamic Factor available, unlike 7 Factors that are available.


The Dynamic Factor has a base, output, growth and cap.

  • The Base of the Dynamic Factor is what the Dynamic Factor starts at right after it resets.
  • The Output of the Dynamic Factor is its current multiplier to Tier 1 Automation.
  • The Growth of the Dynamic Factor determines the rate of the increase of the Output of the Dynamic Factor.
  • The Cap of the Dynamic Factor was added so it wouldn't become too overpowered. It is what the determined max Output can be for the Dynamic Factor.


At its base, the Dynamic Factor starts at 1.000x and increases by 0.002x every second until capping out at a total of 10.000x.

The Growth and the Base of the Dynamic Factor can be increased by purchasing certain Upgrades, like IU7.

The Output of the Dynamic Factor can be boosted by various sources, including Manifolds, ℵ1 (with an Aleph Upgrade (AU6)), Booster Upgrades like u14, and others.

The full, detailed formula for the determined Dynamic Increase speed is
Changes Content Detail Note
0.002 Base Dynamic Growth
x Manifold effectiveness Before sacrificed to the Singularity.
x 100 If you have IU7
x 100 If you have SFU32
- 1e300[1] If you are in Challenge 6 or Challenge 7, without u24
- 10 If you are in Challenge 6 or Challenge 7, with u24
The full, detailed formula for the determined Dynamic Factor Cap is
Changes Content Detail Note
10 Base Dynamic Factor Cap
x Manifold effectiveness Before sacrificed to the Singularity.
x Dark Manifold effectiveness Before sacrificed to the Singularity.
x log10(ℵ1 power) If you have AU6
^ 2 If you have u14 and in an odd-numbered Challenge.

The full Dynamic Factor based on Markup Time is:

max(min((Manifold effectiveness) * (1 + (Markup Time in seconds) / 500 * 100 ^ (IU7 + SFU32)) - 10 ^ 300 ^ (1 - u24) * (Markup Time in seconds) * (C6 + C7 - C6 * C7)[or 1] , 10 * (Manifold effectiveness) * (Dark Manifold effectiveness) * log10(ℵ2 power) ^ AU6) ^ 2 ^ ((Challenge Number) mod 2 * u14) , 0)

  1. this look like or function, as if either C6 or C7 is true (or 1), the value will be true (or 1)

where IU7, u14, u24, C6, C7, AU6 SFU32, represents 1 if you have this upgrade or in this Challenge and 0 otherwise, Challenge Number means the Challenge number you're in, 0 if you are not in a Challenge, mod is the remainder from a divided by b (eg: 175 mod 6 = 1, 175 mod 7 = 0, 175 mod 8 = 7), and Markup Time is the time passed from the last Markup. The Bold parts represent Dynamic Factor and Underline parts represent Dynamic Factor cap.

Challenge Effects[]

The Dynamic Factor's Growth is reduced by 1.000e300[1]/s in Challenges 6 and 7, effectively rendering Tier 1 Automation useless. The rate of loss can be divided by 1.000e299, resulting in a decrease of only 10 per second, if you own u24.


  • u14's effect squares the power of Dynamic Factor (its Output and Cap) () in odd-numbered Challenges (Challenges 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9). This results in inconstant growth of the Dynamic Factor, as in the increase rate display, it suggests that "It is increasing by a non-constant amount per second" if u14 is taking effect.
  • Challenge 8 completions (up to 3) boost the efficiency of Tier 1 Automation and Tier 2 Automation proportionate to your Dynamic Factor cap and Challenge 8 completions, given by the formula , where represents your Dynamic Factor Cap value; represents 1 if you have done at least 1 Challenge Completion of Challenge 8, and 0 otherwise; and represents the amount of Challenge Completions you have done on Challenge 8.
! Note: Challenge completions of this Challenge past 3 do not boost Tiers 1 and 2 Automation through the Dynamic Factor Cap, rather it boosts Incrementy gain through the Dynamic Factor Cap.
  • At v0.32, if you sacrifice non-zero Manifolds (includes -1 sacrificed Manifolds), the Dynamic Factor cap will be wrong.
  • According the document for OM rewritten, the Dynamic Factor will be removed due to reducing many timewalls.
  1. 1.0 1.1 In Update v0.24, it was 1.000e20 and from v0.25 to v0.32, it was 1.000e30. (Actually it was intended to be 1.000e300 at v0.32, but the developers forgot to change the running value)


Note: These happened in previous versions.
