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Ordinal Markup Wiki

Autoprestigers, known as Tier 3 Automation in-game, is a post-Collapse feature unlocked after achieving the 12 Factor Boost Sluggish Milestone. These automate sub-prestige and prestige features in earlier stages of the game, such as Factor Shifts and Factor Boosts, and are used to speed up and automate Cardinal grinds.

Upon getting Sluggish Milestone 12, you will unlock 1 Autoprestiger of for Factor Shifts and one for Factor Boosts. These Autoprestigers will automatically Factor Shift and Factor Boost once per second.

Upon reaching Sluggish Milestone 10[1], you will be able to buy more Autoprestigers that will increase the rate by 1/s per purchase for 500 ℵω each.

Upon getting Sluggish Milestone 1, you unlock a lot more Autoprestigers. These cannot be upgraded, but they have settings, and you can toggle Autoprestigers on and off. These are probably not Autoprestigers, however.

Types of Extended Autoprestigers[]

The types of Autoprestigers are listed here:

List of SM1 Autoprestigers
Name Function Details
Autobuy Booster Upgrades Buys all Booster Upgrades whenever it can. Buy order: u11 -> u21 -> u31 -> u41 -> u12 -> u22 -> u32 -> u42 -> u13 -> u23 -> u33 -> u43 -> u14 -> u24 -> u34 -> u44 -> u35 -> u45 -> u36 -> u46
Ignore the 73 Booster Upgrade unless in Challenge 4, 6, or 7 Ignores u23 (The base is always 5 below ψ(Ω)) unless you enter Challenges 4, 6, or 7. If you are not in Challenge 4, 6 or 7, Buy order will be: u11 -> u21 -> u31 -> u41 -> u12 -> u22 -> u32 -> u42 -> u13 -> u33 -> u43 -> u14 -> u24 -> u34 -> u44 -> u35 -> u45 -> u36 -> u46
Ignore in Challenge 8 Does not buy Booster Upgrades if you are in Challenge 8.
Autocomplete Challenges Autocompletes a Challenge once you reach the goal in the respective Challenge. There are 2 settings you can adjust: Amount of Challenges to complete (non-Challenge 8) and Amount of Challenges to complete (Challenge 8). Respectively, they autocomplete Challenges 1-7 once you are able to get a set number of completions and autocomplete Challenge 8 once you are able to get a set number of completions in Challenge 8.
Collapse Autoprestiger Automatically Collapses. There is a setting you can adjust: the Time to wait until collapse in seconds:, which sets a specified waiting time between each auto-Collapse.
  1. In previous versions, it only required SM12 due to a bug